The Amazing Benefits of Pre-Shave Oil

It’s fair to say that your face is pretty darn important. After all, it’s the first thing that most people notice about you, from work colleagues to your better half.

When your skin looks its best, you not only become a handsome devil, you also enjoy a welcome boost of confidence. That’s why a proper shaving routine - which includes pre-shave oil - should be a priority for even the most rugged of men!

When you shave, the last thing you want is your face looking like a punching bag. Unfortunately though, shaving‐related irritation is one of the most frequently mentioned male cosmetic complaints. And in a study cited within the Wiley Online Library, two-thirds of men suffer from some form of shaving irritation.

Thankfully, products like pre-shave oil can banish irritation and make your shaving experience a whole lot easier. This article highlights the benefits of pre-shave oil and how you can incorporate this underrated gem into your shaving routine.

What is pre-shave oil?

As the name suggests, pre-shave oil is an oil that’s applied to your mug before you get down to the business of applying shaving creme or shaving gel. Pre-shave oils have been used since your grandpa was a boy to lubricate the skin and enhance the quality of a man’s shave.

With a smorgasbord of fancy grooming products to choose from, pre-shave oils are regularly overlooked in favour of a basic creme or gel. However, these modern alternatives lack the ingredients that provide an ideal shave and often irritate the skin.

Pre-shave oils are an optimal shaving product for men with sensitive skin. They typically contain a range of non-greasy, essential oils such as almond and grapeseed, as well as essential aromas like patchouli. These ingredients nourish and hydrate your skin, soften stubble, and make it easier for your razor to glide effortlessly across your face.

Is it better to shave with pre-shave oil?

Pre-shave oils help to soften facial hair, which allows the razor blade to glide easily across the skin. The result is a comfortable shave, a smoother cut, and a more handsome mug!

Even though it’s better to shave with pre-shave oil, it’s important to remember that many factors contribute to the perfect shave. The cremes or gels you use, your shaving technique, the sharpness of your razor, and whether you apply an aftershave balm will all have a bearing on the quality of your shave. It also helps to exfoliate your face with a skin scrub before you shave, as this removes dead skin cells and allows your razor to glide more smoothly.

Pre-shave oils work to soften your beard, whilst hydrating and protecting your skin. These oils also form a coating over your skin, which ensures your razor blade glides effortlessly through facial hair and reduces nasty irritation.

Here are the major benefits of shaving with pre-shave oil:

Reduce ingrown hairs

Let’s be honest: no one likes ingrown hairs. These awful buggers can be painful, become infected, and cause massive irritation. And if you’ve ever had an ingrown hair on your face or neck, you’ll know how ugly they can appear! 

Too many guys assume that ingrown hairs are an inevitable part of shaving and that there’s no way of avoiding them. However, when you use a pre-shave oil, ingrown hairs are easily preventable. Pre-shave oils soften facial hair, which prepares your skin for the closest shave possible. This significantly reduces the chance of ingrown hairs developing.

Banish razor burn

Razor Burn: The very mention of these words is enough to bring a sense of dread to most guys. Unfortunately, there are multiple reasons why razor burn occurs. Using a three-month-old razor, shaving too quickly (it’s not a race fellas), dry-shaving, and using products that irritate your skin can all contribute to razor burn.

Pre-shave oils form a protective layer over your face, which prevents razor burn from occurring. They also work to moisturise your skin and enable your razor to glide smoothly across your beard.

By harnessing moisture close to the skin and softening facial hair, a quality pre-shave oil ensures that razor burn becomes a distant memory!

Eliminate nicks and cuts

Most guys can relate to the following scenario: You rock up to a special occasion with a shaving cut on your face. When quizzed about the origins of the fresh gash, you meekly reply, “I had a run-in with my razor”. We’ve all been there…

Thankfully, by using a pre-shave oil you can minimise those painful and unsightly cuts. Pre-shave oils create a sleek surface for your razor to glide over, which means you no longer have to fight against your beard!

Is pre-shave oil the same as beard oil?

Keep in mind that not all oils are created equal! And this means that most pre-shave oils should not be confused with beard oil. A pre-shave oil prepares your facial hair for shaving and is designed to be used before you apply shaving creme or gel.

On the flip side, beard oil works to condition your beard, which strengthens and improves growth. Beard oils also reduce itching, tame flyaway strands, and increase your hair’s durability.

If you’re looking for a pre-shave oil that also works as a leave-in beard oil, try VITAMAN’S Shave & Beard Oil.

How do you use pre-shave oil?

To get the most out of your pre-shave oil, it pays to prep yourself with either a hot shower, a warm towel, or a splash of warm water across your face. The steam works to soften your beard and open your pores, which allows the pre-shave oil to soak in and unlock its full potential.

Once you’ve prepped your face, apply a few drops of pre-shave oil between your palms and rub them together. This warms up the oil and ensures it’s ready to apply to your skin. Then massage the oil through your beard, making sure that you work into your skin in small, circular motions. By working down into the skin, this helps to raise hairs and provides optimal protection from any razor burn. Spend a bit of time working the oil into your stubble and remember to apply to the whole area that you wish to shave.

The next step is to wash your hands clean and begin lathering a shaving creme or shaving gel over the top of the oil. Your pre-shave oil will remain in place and offers an additional barrier between your skin and razor blade. For the best possible shave - minus the irritation - complete your routine by applying an all-natural aftershave balm.

Do you wash off pre-shave oil?

Don’t make the mistake of washing off your pre-shave oil before applying shaving creme or gel on top. Remember that pre-shave oil is a complimentary product to cremes and gels. By using these products in combination with one another, you lessen irritation by adding lubrication to your skin.

Once you’re finished shaving, pre-shave oil should be washed off your face along with your creme or gel. You can then admire your newfound smoothness, courtesy of your pre-shave oil!

Does pre-shave oil cause acne?

This all comes down to the quality of pre-shave oil that you use. Unfortunately, products with poor quality ingredients can be challenging to rinse off. This can clog pores and cause you to break out like you’re back in high school!

The good news is that this can easily be avoided. By selecting a pre-shave oil with all-natural, quality ingredients, the oil will rinse effortlessly off your skin once you’re done shaving.

If you stick to natural pre-shave oils, they’ll not only create a more comfortable shave, they will also improve your complexion and the overall health of your skin.

What is the best pre-shave oil?

At VITAMAN, our customers swear by our all-natural Shave & Beard Oil. Made with 100% natural ingredients like sweet almond oil, jojoba seed oil, and mountain black pepper seed oil, our Shave & Beard Oil is pH balanced and perfect for all skin types, including sensitive skin.

VITAMAN’S Shave & Beard Oil is proven to prevent razor burn, along with other nasties such as nicks, cuts, and irritation.

If you’d like to enjoy a smoother shaving experience, it’s time you ditched the artificial shaving creme you’ve been using since last century! For an extraordinary shave, you need an extraordinary product. And you can’t go wrong with VITAMAN’S Shave & Beard Oil.

To check out our full range of shaving and skincare products, visit our online shop today!